成立 | 1870年,由文森特社区 |
字符 | A private, coeducational Roman Catholic university (Vincentian Community) |
位置 | 纽约皇后区 曼哈顿,纽约 罗马,意大利 法国巴黎 爱尔兰利默里克, |
本科学校 | 药学与健康科学学院 专业进修学院 St. 约翰文理学院 彼得·J. 托宾商学院 教育学院 |
教师 | 1410名全职和兼职教师 92% of full-time faculty hold their doctorate or other terminal degree. |
独特的项目 | 有100多个商科学习项目, 教育, 健康科学, 文科和理科, 及专业研究. 三年制速成学士学位, five-year bachelor’s/ master’s degrees through our graduate schools, 六年制学士学位.D. through our top-tier School of Law are available, a six-year Pharm.D. 程序. |
本科专业 | banssb.aprender-a-bailar.com/majors |
研究生课程 | banssb.aprender-a-bailar.com/gradmajors |
实习 | 建立专业关系,在纽约实习. St. John’s students have interned at a wide range of organizations, 包括麦迪逊广场花园, 美国特勤局, 雅诗兰黛, 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley), MTV, 纽约大都会队, 索尼, 和时代公司. |
- 本科 15,652
- 研究生 4,011
- 大一新生 3,135
- 本科转移 268
- 师生比例 16:1
Total enrollment represents 45 states, District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. 维尔京群岛和118个国家.
St. 约翰的大学 students receive financial assistance through scholarships, 贷款, 助学金和工作/学习计划. 通过访问了解更多信息 banssb.aprender-a-bailar.com/financialaid, banssb.aprender-a-bailar.com/tuition, banssb.aprender-a-bailar.com/scholarships.
- 皇后区校园: 配备Wi-Fi的高科技宿舍, 休息室, 学习的房间, 计算机中心, 24小时安全, 还有食堂. 联排别墅可供高年级学生使用.
- 国际地点:Rome and Paris locations offer outstanding academic and residential resources and are situated near Vatican City and the heart of Paris.
St. 约翰的网络包括198家,1000多名在世校友, with more than 80 percent living in the New York metropolitan area. The University offers a wide range of alumni associations and chapters, 接待和郊游, 给社会, 以及导师或志愿者的机会. You can always find a way to connect and give back to the St. 约翰的家庭! 访问我们的 校友 & 朋友页面 了解更多信息.
As a BIG EAST university with a proud athletic tradition, St. 约翰大学有17支NCAA一级球队, 包括男子和女子篮球, 足球, 击剑, 网球和高尔夫, 男子曲棍球和棒球, 女子垒球, 排球, 田径, 和越野. 通过访问了解更多信息 banssb.aprender-a-bailar.com/athletics.
- 队伍名称:红色风暴
重新设计的徽章恢复了原来的蓝色和红色, liturgical colors evoking the “Blessed Virgin and the Humanity of Her Divine Son.” The white cross at its center further identifies Christ as the foundation and model for a moral, 道德品格, 正如格言Ecce Agnus(“看上帝的羔羊”), 回忆圣. 施洗约翰对基督神性的见证. 鸢尾花象征着圣母院的故乡法国. 文森特·德·保罗. 这颗心代表了他对慈善事业的承诺. The escalloped shell—an ancient symbol of the sacrament of baptism—signifies St. 大雅各, 布鲁克林教区大教堂的名义, 这所大学是在哪里成立的. The shell also recalls a Native American name for Long Island: “Sewanhacky” (“Island of Shells”).
Especially prominent is the banner encircling the lower half of the crest. It bears the motto “Educatio Christiana Animae Perfectio” (“Christian education perfects the soul”), 这是指导圣. 约翰的大学.
最虔诚的信徒. 约翰先生, 布鲁克林的第一位罗马天主教主教, NY, reaches out to the Congregation of the 任务 (the Vincentians) to establish “a day College where the youth of the City might find advantages of a solid education.”
The Vincentian founders purchase three former farms in north-central Brooklyn to serve as the future site of St. 约翰的大学.
St. 约翰的大学 is founded with 47 students and six faculty on Lewis Avenue in Brooklyn.
St. 约翰大学颁发了第一份奖学金.
纽约州宪章授予圣. 约翰拥有大学的权力.
The School of Pedagogy is founded, admitting men and women.
The School of Accounting, Commerce, Finance is established.
为了适应不断增长的入学人数, construction begins on the 位于布鲁克林市中心的舍默霍恩街大楼, NY.
正式更名为St. 约翰学院到圣. 约翰大学,布鲁克林.
The School of Accounting, Commerce and Finance is renamed the School of Commerce.
文森特夫妇买下了希尔克雷斯特高尔夫球场, 未来的女王, NY, 校园, 为大学搬迁提供资金.
The Department of Nursing is established at Teachers College.
The Department of Nursing becomes a separate School of Nursing 教育.
Teachers College separates its undergraduate and graduate divisions.
正式更名为圣. 约翰大学,纽约.
皇后区校区的建设开始于St. 约翰霍尔.
The School of Commerce is renamed the College of Business 政府.
St. 奥古斯汀大厅, the University’s hallmark building, is constructed.
The Junior College is renamed the School of General Studies.
The University acquires its Staten Island, NY, 校园, formerly Notre Dame College.
The School of General Studies is renamed the College of General Studies.
通识学院更名为圣. 文森特的大学.
The College of Pharmacy is renamed the College of Pharmacy and Allied 健康 Professions.
教育学院 is renamed the School of 教育 and Human 服务s.
The first study abroad program, College Europa, launches in Budapest, Hungary.
St. 约翰大学在罗马建立了研究生院, 意大利, 标志着大学全球影响力的开始.
The first residence halls are completed on the Queens 校园.
St. 文森特的大学 is renamed the 专业进修学院.
The College of Business 政府 is renamed 彼得·J. 托宾商学院.
大学获得保险学院, 更名为风险管理学院, 保险与精算学, 以及位于默里街101号的曼哈顿校区.
教育学院 and Human 服务s resumes its former title of 教育学院.
St. 托马斯·莫尔·丘奇, the first free-standing church on the Queens 校园, is dedicated.